HEAD OFFICE: TEL:886-4-2406-8999    FAX:886-4-2406-2617

Fixed Displacement Vane Pumps VPNC


  • These pumps are designed for low noise level and high volume efficiency.
  • Smooth running high stability and durability.
  • Inlet resistances are particularly considered in input-port design.
  • Maximum working pressure up to 70 kgf/cm2 (1000 psi).

  • Specifications
  • How to Order

Series: VPNC

Deliverycapacity (cc/rev) Allowable rotational
speed (rpm)
kgf (lbs)
Speed of rotation (rpm)
1000 1200 1500 1800 MAX. MIN. Foot type Flange type
VPNC-07 - 9.0 11.2 13.5 1800 1200 70 10.5 9.5
VPNC-12 12 14.4 18.0 21.6 1800 950 70 10.5 9.5
VPNC-14 14.6 17.5 21.7 26.1 1800 950 70 10.5 9.5
VPNC-17 17 20.3 25.5 31.5 1800 950 70 10.5 9.5
VPNC-20 20.1 24.1 30.2 36 1800 950 70 10.5 9.5
VPNC-23 23 27.6 34.5 41.4 1800 950 70 10.5 9.5
VPNC-26 26.2 31.4 39.3 47.2 1800 950 70 10.5 9.5
VPNC-30 30 36 44.5 53 1800 950 70 10.5 9.5
VPNC-36 36.2 43.4 54.3 64 1800 950 70 10.5 9.5
VPNC-39 39 46.5 58.5 70 1800 950 70 10.5 9.5
VPNC-43 43 51.6 - - 1200 950 35 10.5 9.5

Series: VPNE

Deliverycapacity (cc/rev) Allowable rotational
speed (rpm)
kgf (lbs)
Speed of rotation (rpm)
1000 1200 1500 1800 MAX. MIN. Foot type Flange type
VPNE-48 48.3 57.9 72.4 86.9 1800 900 70 25 25
VPNE-61 61.5 73.8 92.2 110.7 1800 900 70 25 25
VPNE-75 75.5 90.6 113.2 135.9 1800 900 70 25 25
VPNE-94 94.2 113.0 141.3 169.5 1800 900 70 25 25
VPNE-116 116.3 139.6 174.0 - 1200 900 70 25 25
  • Design and specifcations are subject to change without prior notice.
  • Customer's design are available.