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Flow Control Valves VEOF-12


  • Pressure compensator with dynamic load sense intended to provide priority flow in the required amount while allowing excess flow to be used for auxiliary functions.
  • With inlet flow at port 3, will deliver required priority flow at port 4, regardless of load pressure.
  • Excess flow exits, or is bypassed, at port 2. Port 1 is the load sense port. All ports may be fully pressurized.

  • Specifications
  • How to Order
Model Number Operating Pressure Flow Weight
VEOF-12 350 (5000 psi) 95 (25.09 gpm) 0.45 (0.99 lbs)
Fluid Type ISO VG 32, 46, 68
Viscosity 10~400 (59~1854 SSU)
Operating Temperature -15~70 (-5~158oF)
Contamination Level ISO4406. 21/19/16 NAS1638,10